Digital Printing Vs. Offset Printing

Digital Printing Vs. Offset Printing

Kopytek > Digital Printing Blog > Digital Printing > Digital Printing Vs. Offset Printing
15Jun, 2017
When you think about printing something you probably don’t think about the different techniques involved and how it works. You probably also don’t think there are even different types of…

Digital Printing Vs. Offset Printing

When you think about printing something you probably don’t think about the different techniques involved and how it works. You probably also don’t think there are even different types of printing, and if you do then I’m sure you assume they are all about the same. Well, not exactly. Let’s take a look at Digital Printing versus Offset printing and the main differences between them as well as the advantages of each and when you should use them.

Offset Printing

This printing technology uses aluminum plates to transfer the image onto a rubber blanket of sorts, which is then rolled onto a sheet of paper. This technique is called offset because the image is not transferred directly onto the paper. Offset printing is typically used for large quantities because it provides accurate color reproduction along with a clean professional finished look.

Digital Printing

Digital printing is different from offset printing in that it doesn’t use plates, Instead it uses options such as toner, like in laser printers. This option is best when you have less quantity to print. It’s also the best and only option if you need to include a changing variable in your print, such as a unique code, name or address. Offset printing does not have the capabilities to handle with type of printing so digital printing is the only option for this.

Offset printing and digital printing both have their advantages, and disadvantages, but only you will know what is going to work best for you and your project. If you have more questions about the differences between these two printing technologies, or you’d like to see what will work best for your next project, give us a call today at 314-432-2700 or click here to get a free quote!

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