Turning Quizzes into Creative Content

Turning Quizzes into Creative Content

Kopytek > Digital Printing Blog > Digital Printing > Turning Quizzes into Creative Content
28Feb, 2017
Online Quizzes

Turning Quizzes into Creative Content

There’s something fun, refreshing and silly about taking an online quiz. We love finding out what category we fit into and who fits in with us. It’s a win for businesses, and it’s a win for us to learn if we’re more like Bob or Linda Belcher.

But what is so satisfying about these quizzes? What is the deeper meaning behind our quest for finding the ice cream flavor that matches our birth month? One thing’s for sure. There’s more to it than wasting time.

When you post your quiz results online, you start an uncensored dialogue with the entire world that can evolve into deep conversation. That might seem like a large leap to make when it’s a quiz like “Which Disney Princess Should Go?” But if you look at the comment section, the moment someone says, “Belle is the worst,” you’ll see it happen.

Businesses have noticed the power of quizzes to engage users. Now they create them to learn more about target audiences through the results, category selections and comments. In the end, they can generate content better geared toward their target audiences. Don’t be surprised if after you take one of these quizzes you see website content better geared toward your interests.

Have you taken an online quiz lately? Noticed a change in content after taking a quiz? What is a popular website you take online quizzes on? Comment and let us know!

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