There’s A Rule for That

There’s A Rule for That

15Feb, 2017
Grammar Rules

There’s A Rule for That

No matter what we’re taught, it’s hard to change our perspective of grammar to anything other than a set of boring, bland, stuffy rules crafted by dreary, stuck-up, old-fogies solely to stifle creativity.

But that’s just not the case.

When you get to know the ins and outs of grammar, you’ll find that grammar can be your best friend. And when you work with it, you can create a masterpiece. It’s all about putting the pieces together in the correct proportions. The following are common grammar mistakes that we’re all guilty of — but hopefully we can prevent in the future.

  • Incomplete comparisons

“Our aircraft is faster, better, stronger.” ….. than what? What are you comparing this plane to? A different aircraft? A car? My cat? See how open ended this is? When making a comparison, you have to clarify what that something is. Otherwise, no one knows what you’re talking about. (I mean, I have a pretty fast cat…)

  • Dangling modifiers

After declining for months, Jean tried a new tactic to increase ROI.” … What exactly is declining? Jean? Is her health declining? This sentence is unclear because in reality what is declining is the ROI —not Jean.

  • Referring to a brand/entity as “they”

A business is not plural, therefore it is not “they” — it is “it”. Clear as mud? Great. Here is an example:

  • Incorrect: Delta should keep up with the times. They need to rebrand.
  • Correct: To keep up with the times, Delta decided to rebrand.

What grammar rule gets you every time? Comment below and let us know!

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